Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
At Oxbow, 我们致力于打造一个多元化的安全社区, equitable, inclusive, and just. Due to the small size of our student body and staff, 至关重要的是,所有成员都有归属感和茁壮成长的机会. Our daily practice is guided by compassion, care, empathy, and respect for each other; everyone at Oxbow is encouraged to act from a generosity of spirit. 我们承认,每个人都是独一无二的,社会的成功与个人的成功密不可分. Therefore, 在我们认识到包容性环境所带来的力量之际,每一个声音都必须得到倾听和颂扬. We honor the diversity defined by race, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status, gender identity and expression, sexuality, ability, family composition, and religion. Through these differences and similarities, genuine relationships are formed, and growth and self-discovery are fostered. Whether it is consciously embedded in our curriculum, part of the nuanced social fabric, or participating in community partnerships, 牛轭鼓励学生体现艺术家的本质-大胆和诚实, even in the face of adversity – we believe that, 因为我积极参与了牛轭一个充满活力的社区, 我们的学生为成为整个世界的变革推动者做好了更好的准备.
The OxBook: Fall 2023 + Spring 2024
The Summer Art Institute OxBook: A Student + Parent Guide
Respect and Non-Discrimination Statement
牛轭学校禁止因种族歧视任何学生或申请人, color, religion, sex, gender, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or any other category. 牛轭学校提倡尊重所有人,不会容忍骚扰.
Adult/Student Interactions
Policy on Adult/Student Interactions. Oxbow takes the safety and comfort of its students seriously. As part of this commitment, Oxbow要求其员工在与学生互动时遵守以下政策:
为了更好地服务于学校学生的福祉, 学校要求学校社区的所有员工和其他成年人在与学生的关系中保持适当的界限,以确保他们避免甚至是不适当的行为. 在此过程中,所有员工都应遵守以下准则. Note, 本行为准则适用于员工对在校生以及近期校友的行为.
- 员工不应该在社交媒体上与学生“加好友”或联系, other than in groups necessary for job-related duties.
- 员工应避免与个别学生打电话或发短信,除非对学生健康有必要, safety, for a class, or other School-sponsored activity.
- 当与个别学生交谈时,用员工的学校账户发电子邮件总是首选的方法.
- 如果接收方有可能与学生分享不适当的信息,员工应避免与其他人沟通, for example, 将内容发送给以前的学生,他可能会与现在的学生分享.
- Employees may not meet with individual students socially.
- 员工不得在公共场合或私人场合与学生进行任何不必要的身体接触.
- 员工必须尊重学生的权利,不被触摸或以使他们感到不舒服的方式看.
- 员工必须避免分享或询问有关学生私人关系的过于私人的细节, 或者讨论员工自己的个人烦恼或与学生的亲密问题.
Oxbow鼓励家长或学校社区的其他成员,如果他们担心成年人与学生跨越适当的界限,请通知学校校长或董事会主席. 学校不会对任何举报可能违反本政策的行为的人进行报复.
The Oxbow School – 2023 Adult/Student Interaction Policy
For questions, please contact the Admissions Office at admissions@comicsmuse.com